Australian Pokémon Regionals announcement a disappointment
From seven Regional events for TCG and VGC last year to a mere two?
From seven Regional events for TCG and VGC last year to a mere two?
ddrox13 tests out a super weird rogue deck, because the Internet needed more Eelektrik variants and Vikavolt is cute.
A review of SM Guardians Rising, in which everything gets a reprint, Tapu Lele GX is the new Shaymin EX, and an old friend returns from the dead to haunt TCG veterans.
A review of the Sun and Moon TCG set, in which Grass is the best type, GXes are overpowered, and ddrox13 has controversial opinions about certain characters.
4 Strong Pokémon from Sun and Moon await attendees of Prerelease events.
Auto-playing ‘RaDiCaL TuNeZ’, large gifs, themed mouse cursor… Relive the internet in the 90s while learning about a TCG release!
Their TCG cards and art were accidentally revealed early! There’s no typings and only their Japanese names, but we know what they look like now!
A review of XY-Evolutions, in which Beedrill somehow becomes viable again, the BREAK cards are amazing looking, and Slowbro is less tanky than Charizard.
Every 2010 TCG player’s favorite bug is back and better than ever. Come learn how to use the new and improved Yanmega Archetype!
PokéCommunity user ddrox introduces us to the basics of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.