Shiny Wailmer part of Pokémon GO Earth Day event
More like Earth week, as the event has also been extended!
More like Earth week, as the event has also been extended!
The Japanese website again reveals information that’s already been taken down. Get hyped for Shiny Charizard!
Increased spawns of Kanto Pokémon, Snorlax and Aerodactyl raids, and double Candy!
Don’t get too hyped – generation eight is probably not yet confirmed. Pokémon GO will celebrate Kanto, while Ampharos gains a Dragon Move.
That includes a Shiny Murkrow!
We have the first confirmation of other Legendary Pokémon besides Mew being obtainable through quests!
As usual, thank the dataminers for unearthing a bunch of surprises! Quests appear to be quite varied, while Professor Willow gets his moment to shine.
Baa baa, Mareep, have you purple wool?
It’s set to start March the 22nd, and features rare Pokémon in 2 km Eggs, extra Candy from hatches, and double Stardust! New Shiny Pokémon can be hatched too.
Sky Attack will be improved as well, but it still doesn’t have Aeroblast. Lugia can now be Shiny!