CoroCoro leaks silhouette regarding upcoming Mythical Pokémon
With Pokémon Day on the horizon, there’s more than enough reason to be excited.
With Pokémon Day on the horizon, there’s more than enough reason to be excited.
Some more details about Sword and Shield seem to be coming out! Are you excited?
It’s edgy! So edgy it requires the Stone Edge move. We also have more information on Dusk Form Lycanroc.
CoroCoro is here, and with it new information regarding Lycanroc Dusk Form!
No Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon news this month.
A serial code for Ho-Oh will be given in next month’s issue. Artwork of the Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon cover legendary has popped up, along with the line “Another story is about to begin”.
A shocking bit of information to do with Marshadow has been promised for the next issue of CoroCoro.
We learn about new Ultra Beasts in Sun and Moon, and another mysterious Pokémon…
We now also have Silvadi, the evolution of Type Null, and Jangmo-o’s evolutions. Furthermore, the Sun and Moon anime starts with a special on November 17th in Japan.
CoroCoro is leaking, and with it comes two new Ultra Beasts and a new evolution. There’s also news on the anime – Ash returns!