Pokémon Anime Daily: Sun & Moon Episode 9 Summary/Review
Ash, Pikachu and Rowlet battling with the totem Pokémon. Who is going to win?
Ash, Pikachu and Rowlet battling with the totem Pokémon. Who is going to win?
The song is still going strong since 1997.
Litten feature in this episode. Is Ash going to catch it?
“Pokémon I Choose You” is due for release in Japan on the 15th July 2017. Check out the trailer and images here!
Sophocles and Togedemaru feature in this episode, while Team Rocket get some Malasadas and a hug.
Episode 5 of the Pokémon Sun & Moon anime has aired, featuring Popplio, Team Rocket and more!
The Sun/Moon anime has arrived – here are our thoughts on the first two episodes!
A new trailer for the Sun & Moon anime series released today!
A new Pokémon Sun and Moon anime trailer is up! Are you excited?
Tapu Koko shows us that even Island Guardians can be cheeky, as it steals Ash’s hat!