New trailer shows new Alola forms, Pokémon and Team Skull info [Updated]
The Japanese version of a soon-to-be-released trailer shows a new Alola form revealed of Raichu, some info seen in Coro-Coro, and images galore.
The Japanese version of a soon-to-be-released trailer shows a new Alola form revealed of Raichu, some info seen in Coro-Coro, and images galore.
Scans of the CoroCoro magazine have revealed new Pokémon and forms. We also get to see a peek of the antagonistic team of the region.
Alola’s Rite of Passage is going through the “Island Challenge” and defeating “Kahunas”. It’s not the Pokémon League Challenge…
Introducing Salandit, the newest Alola Pokémon.
We take an in-depth look at all the small details, including the changes to the battle system, and indications of movepool and stats of the Starters.
Read up on the exciting new information regarding the mythical and legendary Pokémon of the Alola region. Just what is a Tapu Koko?
Meet three new Pokémon found in the Alola region that you’ll be able to catch during the early routes of the game!
The first E3 Pokémon event of three shows off more on the upcoming Sun and Moon games.
Learn some new information about some key inhabitants of Alola.
Videos posted straight to The Pokémon Company’s Japanese YouTube account are part of June 2’s Sun and Moon announcements.