Bikes and HMs gone in Sun and Moon
Two more staples of the series seem to be gone! The Move Deleter has made Pokemon forget HMs permanently, and Tauros probably ran over your bike too.
For your latest Pokémon news from across the globe.
Two more staples of the series seem to be gone! The Move Deleter has made Pokemon forget HMs permanently, and Tauros probably ran over your bike too.
Nintendo reveals that Ultra Beasts are just another type of Pokemon after all; players will be able to use them on their teams in-game!
The 3D models for the starter Pokémon have been extracted by dataminers.
The Pokémon Sun and Moon Special Demo releases worldwide today. Check here for what is in the demo! There’s even a special Alolan Form to find if you’re lucky…
A new Pokémon has been leaked.
Ash learns how to do Z-Moves and meets Tapu Koko. There’s also a livestream of the games on the 23rd on NicoNico to look forward to.
The second trailer of the anime gives us another glimpse at the Trial Captains and the school!
In which Brendan does exactly what Pokémon protagonists are supposed to do to evil teams, Maxie has an awesome submarine, and Magma Admin Courtney is cute.
We now have English names for old and new Pokémon and characters, and Rainbow Muk abound! Check the trailers and additional information here.
Scizor is available in the arcade version of the game on October the 20th. Check its intro trailer here!