Marshadow obtained early following 20th movie advance screening
A early viewing of the movie in Japan resulted in the audience getting the new Pokémon! Don’t expect to see the legitimate thing on the GTS just yet however…
A early viewing of the movie in Japan resulted in the audience getting the new Pokémon! Don’t expect to see the legitimate thing on the GTS just yet however…
But is the level limit now too low?
Defend your title a mere 100,000 times! Collectively, that is.
Get the Mega Stones for the Hoenn Starters, Banette and Camerupt via serial code now!
Use Pokémon smaller than a metre in height to wreck havoc! Meanwhile, if you participated in the last competition, you can claim your Hoenn Starters Mega Stones!
Check out all the details behind Raid Battles, Legendary Battles, the new items, and the new loading screen!
More Gyms have popped up worldwide! You’ll have to wait for the update to come out before using them however.
They close on the 19th of June, and back later as a new system.
Over an hour of gameplay footage to enjoy from E3! A separate demonstration is also included.
A serial code for Ho-Oh will be given in next month’s issue. Artwork of the Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon cover legendary has popped up, along with the line “Another story is about to begin”.