Tapu Koko, Pikachu Z-Move Showcased in New Pokémon Sun and Moon Anime Trailer
Tapu Koko shows us that even Island Guardians can be cheeky, as it steals Ash’s hat!
Tapu Koko shows us that even Island Guardians can be cheeky, as it steals Ash’s hat!
The Pokémon Global Link will be going down and permanently removing support for the 6th Generation at 23:59 GMT on October 31st.
Highlights of the NicoNico stream courtesy of our YouTube team! Check it out now!
Nintendo reveals that Ultra Beasts are just another type of Pokemon after all; players will be able to use them on their teams in-game!
The 3D models for the starter Pokémon have been extracted by dataminers.
A new Pokémon has been leaked.
The second trailer of the anime gives us another glimpse at the Trial Captains and the school!
It’s getting close to the release of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon! How excited is everyone? That is what user colours finds out!
Nintendo UK reveals a few more tidbits about Sun and Moon in the newest English trailer.