EX Raids reach a merry new low
Pokémon GO’s latest wave of EX Raids falls on Christmas, and for one set of players in a closed mall to boot.
Pokémon GO’s latest wave of EX Raids falls on Christmas, and for one set of players in a closed mall to boot.
The maximum storage is increased to 1,500, and everyone gets a free upgrade by 50 spaces! The developers discuss the weather and Battle Party features as well.
Pokémon GO Developers announce upcoming Raid Battle changes!
Take a journey with Pokémon GO as four trainers from around the world flock to Japan to take part in Niantic’s new Global Catch Challenge! A chance at catching Farfetch’d is at stake!
The results for the top 10 winners of Pokémon GO’s recent AR Photo Contest are in!
Raid Battle Lobby bugs have also been fixed, and some further additions for the release of generation 3 Pokémon has been datamined.
Niantic has invited all Pokémon GO trainers to celebrate the equinox in-game!
A new shirt will be added to Pokémon GO in an effort to spread awareness of an initiative to fight poverty worldwide.
The Californian Pokémon GO Fest attendee has requested class-action status, alleging the company should have foreseen issues plaguing event.
They’re finally confirmed! Players at Chicago GO Fest get the first chance to unlock and participate in Legendary Raids this Saturday. They’ll be worldwide afterward!