Team Rocket, Shadow Pokémon, and Gen 5 coming to GO
Birthday celebrations are about to start, and some bonuses will last over two months!
Birthday celebrations are about to start, and some bonuses will last over two months!
We now have a total of seven nicknames that can be used for evolving Eevee into your Eeveelution of choice. Shellos forms are now regional as well.
New Lure items are the key to the location-based evolution Pokémon! Details for the Detective Pikachu Movie event have also been unearthed by a dataminer.
They are rare wild spawns, and possibly region-exclusive too!
You’ll be guaranteed a Lucky Pokémon from your next trade… but you can only achieve this with Best Friends. Shiny Latios is to appear shortly too.
Nincada is back as well – provided you find the Field Research task that rewards it!
Shove off, Smeargle, because the mascot wants to get some of the limelight too. But you do have a chance for a Shiny Hatchu!
Giratina comes back to Pokémon GO for Round 2, bringing both of its Formes this time!
Event announcements could still be better for a lot of these as well.
It will not be Shiny during this weekend Raid event.