[UPDATED] New egg changes, Ash Hat Pichu in Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO’s egg chart has changed once again! Pichu hatched from eggs obtained during the event will also have Ash’s hat.
Pokémon GO’s egg chart has changed once again! Pichu hatched from eggs obtained during the event will also have Ash’s hat.
Pokémon GO’s very first Easter event is now here, and you can start playing it today! Reports indicate you can now hatch the second generation Starter Pokémon too.
It’s an Egg-citing mission – the official website’s words, not ours.
The mission starts on March 28!
Find out what could hatch from your 2 km, 5 km and 10 km Eggs!
What Pokémon you can find in the 2, 5 and 10 kilometre Eggs have changed! Find out what you can expect now.
Updates to distance tracking and more “minor text fixes”.
You’ll be able to collect items and hatch Eggs with the Apple Watch.
Professor Willow’s new research results show Rattata, Pidgey and Zubat have become rarer in Pokémon GO. On top of that, Rattata and Pidgey no longer hatch from eggs.
Find out the basics of Pokémon GO, including how to quickly get to level 5 and get into the Teams and Gym battles!