The Name Rater: Glaceon Nicknames!
The Name Rater considers your submissions for Glaceon nicknames!
The Name Rater considers your submissions for Glaceon nicknames!
Digging into the snow, we find a possibility that a Russian Elsa might have inspired our Ice-type quadruped!
In the spotlight today are some localization mistakes, small oversights and a few neat mechanics.
Kanto’s been around since the beginning – so how much is it around these days? Spoilers – quite a lot.
Two new Gigantamax Pokémon have been announced, and we have some details on the ones revealed earlier!
Four new Gigantamaxed Pokémon are revealed!
We now have a total of seven nicknames that can be used for evolving Eevee into your Eeveelution of choice. Shellos forms are now regional as well.
Travel through Johto in a completely different way in Super Pokémon Eevee Edition!
Eevee themed items and outfits are on offer for players in the Nintendo Mobile app!
Art for Gym Leader Erika is included, and we have a peek of the Game Corner!