Clothing is taking over the Pokémon world
Cast away your hats, Trainer, lest you fall under control of these parasites!
Cast away your hats, Trainer, lest you fall under control of these parasites!
The brand-new feature has made everyone’s day! What a time to be alive.
The second annual official field guide and almanac from the Hisui Husband Hunters Guild has all the information you need to safely and successfully capture a husband in the Hisui region.
Fuecoco is the latest in a line of “sus” Pokémon that make us question if there is an imposter Amoonguss- I mean among us.
Some Pokémon were jealous of the new evolutions, while others just wanted to be in the game in the first place.
Does Cyrus make a fair point about removing emotion from the world? Is there a method to his madness? We explore what goes on inside his head!
Join us as we worship our many-Plated majestic horse overlord!
Our essential guide for all important things Sinnoh!
This is one mad Professor who you don’t want to be on the wrong side of.
We have finally received confirmation that the Pokémon Trading Card Game supply shortage is nearing an end!