Pokémon Anime Daily: Sun & Moon Episode 9 Summary/Review
Ash, Pikachu and Rowlet battling with the totem Pokémon. Who is going to win?
Personal thoughts and opinions from the author.
Ash, Pikachu and Rowlet battling with the totem Pokémon. Who is going to win?
Now that most of PokéCommunity has traveled through and became Champion of the Alola region, what were their thoughts?
Litten feature in this episode. Is Ash going to catch it?
Sophocles and Togedemaru feature in this episode, while Team Rocket get some Malasadas and a hug.
Episode 5 of the Pokémon Sun & Moon anime has aired, featuring Popplio, Team Rocket and more!
We’re back with Episodes 3 and 4 of the Pokémon Sun & Moon anime, featuring Team Rocket, Mimikyu, and Rowlet!
The Sun/Moon anime has arrived – here are our thoughts on the first two episodes!
Let’s consider which Starter could be great in battles, and what the final stages are based on!
Z25 discusses the potential of the Sun and Moon anime season.
A review of XY-Evolutions, in which Beedrill somehow becomes viable again, the BREAK cards are amazing looking, and Slowbro is less tanky than Charizard.