Sygna Suit Grimsley and the Future of Canon Costumes in Masters
Should Grimsley’s sygna suit have been of his Sun/Moon appearance? Let’s take a look at hints from the May survey to see possible reasons why this wasn’t the case.
Should Grimsley’s sygna suit have been of his Sun/Moon appearance? Let’s take a look at hints from the May survey to see possible reasons why this wasn’t the case.
The latest Legendary Event and message from the developers raises some concerns about the future of Masters events and rewards.
There is a lot to look forward to in Masters. Let’s take a look at the latest message from the developers!
News about the highly-anticipated Home has finally dropped. Is it all sunshine and roses?
Need a last-minute clear in Super Hard in the Giovanni event? Maybe this guide can help—no scouting required!
I’m sticking with Pokémon Masters because of DeNA’s fantastic storytelling.
Plans to increase free gems, event improvements, and more are detailed in the latest letter from the producers.
How the Masters micro-transactions work, how to obtain Sync Pairs, and a list of who we have seen thus far.
Co-op, Unity Attacks, Sygna Suits, and more have been revealed for Masters.
We discuss details and make predictions on what Pokémon Masters may hold. A variety of factors are examined, including past DeNA titles, Pokémon series and gacha conventions, and even official merchandise.