April 19, 2019, 11:29 AM

Ash’s Top 10 Pokémon
Kostas discusses which of all of Ash’s Pokémon are the best in terms of fighting power!
Kostas discusses which of all of Ash’s Pokémon are the best in terms of fighting power!
Check out the latest Pokémon 21st movie trailer!
We now have some updates on the 21st movie from CoroCoro!
Read about what happened in the 45th episode of Pokémon Sun and Moon anime!
Check out the new trailer for Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon!
A new poster and a trailer give us some info about the upcoming episodes!
Read about what happened in the 39th episode of Pokémon Sun and Moon anime!
The old companions of Ash return. Check out the trailer in this article!
Look who’s appearing — Misty and Brock return, along with Mega Evolutions of their own!