Deoxys drops into EX Raid Battles, next Community Day Pokémon supposedly leaked
The meteor that was to strike Hoenn has now struck Pokémon GO! Meanwhile, the next Community Day Pokémon has supposedly been leaked.
The meteor that was to strike Hoenn has now struck Pokémon GO! Meanwhile, the next Community Day Pokémon has supposedly been leaked.
However, it’s still possible to get them if you already have a Mewtwo.
Celebi travels through time to show itself to Pokémon GO players! Don’t worry – you can still get Mew if you haven’t got it yet.
Mega Evolutions are back in, and Lt. Surge has also been featured. However, nothing is known about new Mega Evolutions yet.
The Johto Legendary trio make their return in the form of Field Research tasks. Tying in with this, Field Research will involve Electric-types.
Shiny Eevee is definitely going to be pretty popular – it has several evolution possibilities! Meanwhile, Lugia is back once more.
To coincide with GO Fest in Chicago, the second round of the Global Challenge has been unveiled. If successful, Zapdos will make a shocking appearance!
At long last, trading is finally a thing in GO. Update now and get befriending!
Get up and go, Trainers – the Regis are finally coming to GO.
Extra candy, more Water-type spawns and purple Kyogre…it’s time to make a splash!