November 13, 2016, 2:03 PM

Final CoroCoro Sun and Moon Leaks
We learn about new Ultra Beasts in Sun and Moon, and another mysterious Pokémon…
We learn about new Ultra Beasts in Sun and Moon, and another mysterious Pokémon…
A heads up to avoid parts of the Internet if you want to to keep things secret. We summarise known stats and move information and source these leaks.
Nintendo reveals that Ultra Beasts are just another type of Pokemon after all; players will be able to use them on their teams in-game!
We learn more about both forms of UB-02. More news coming on the 20th September.
CoroCoro is leaking, and with it comes two new Ultra Beasts and a new evolution. There’s also news on the anime – Ash returns!
Lillie’s mystery seems to have deepened – what is her connection with UB-01, Lusamine and Gladion?