September 8, 2016, 4:00 PM
A lot of shots of the regions, cut-scenes, Fishing confirmed, and a bunch of characters glimpsed, including one who looks a bit like Professor Oak… Watch the trailer and see what we learn from it!
September 6, 2016, 11:33 AM
Lillie’s mystery seems to have deepened – what is her connection with UB-01, Lusamine and Gladion?
September 6, 2016, 10:35 AM
The new photography mini-game in Pokémon Sun and Moon looks like it could be a lot of fun. Check out our summary and video of Poké Finder!
September 6, 2016, 9:01 AM
We learn about the Aether Foundation as well, along with various plot points. Watch the new trailers and ‘Train On #2’ inside!
September 6, 2016, 8:34 AM
Game Sync and Random Matchup Rating Battles will go as the system is prepared for Pokémon Sun and Moon.
September 2, 2016, 7:50 PM
The soundtrack will be released on iTunes in November.
September 1, 2016, 10:59 AM
Within a week later we’ll get more news, as announced by the Japanese Pokémon Twitter account.
August 30, 2016, 7:46 PM
The new Pokémon, Team Skull and Alola Forms get covered in these series of videos!
August 22, 2016, 6:24 AM
Pyukumuku have washed ashore! This clip released by V Jump shows off a rescue job where you chuck them back into the sea.
By Jake , August 22, 2016, 6:24 AM
August 18, 2016, 6:08 PM
Introducing the TURTONATOR! What a stage name.
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