
It’s Pyukumuku throwing time!

Pyukumuku have washed ashore! This clip released by V Jump shows off a rescue job where you chuck them back into the sea.

An unlisted clip released by V Jump (presumably a reader-exclusive clip?) has been slowly making the rounds on the internet. It appears to show the player taking on a job of throwing washed-up Pyukumuku back into the sea.

The mini-game seems to demonstrate one of the behaviours of Pyukumuku described on the official website:

Due to their appearance and their lifestyle, Pyukumuku are considered unappealing to tourists. Part-time work chucking Pyukumuku back into the sea is available at tourist beaches. But no matter how far they’re thrown, Pyukumuku will always return to the same spot.

One wonders what other little jobs will be made available — even if this particular one seems fruitless. (But hey, free money!) What do you think of the video? What interesting things did you see? Do you hope more jobs will be in the game? Check out the clip and leave a comment!

Thanks to TheKojo for the tip!