August 9, 2017, 4:31 PM

Pokémon Anime Daily: Sun and Moon Episode 36 Summary/Review
In this week’s episode, Ash takes on Olivia for his Grand Trial!
In this week’s episode, Ash takes on Olivia for his Grand Trial!
Join us this week as Ash takes on the Totem Lurantis in the latest episode!
Episode 13 is now out! Ash is participating on a race in Melemele Island!
Ash, Pikachu and Rowlet battling with the totem Pokémon. Who is going to win?
Litten feature in this episode. Is Ash going to catch it?
Sophocles and Togedemaru feature in this episode, while Team Rocket get some Malasadas and a hug.
Episode 5 of the Pokémon Sun & Moon anime has aired, featuring Popplio, Team Rocket and more!
Z25 discusses the potential of the Sun and Moon anime season.