Reshiram and Zekrom distribution for Pokémon Sun and Moon
Reshiram and Zekrom are now available to take with you on your Alolan adventures!
Reshiram and Zekrom are now available to take with you on your Alolan adventures!
A new Pokémon distribution has been announced!
Big on battling? Get points for the World Championships in the 2017 International Challenge May!
With the GTS global mission coming to a close, read below for info on what prizes you’ve won and how to get them!
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon combined have sold over 7.2 million copies globally!
We uncover “how to find Alolan Dugtrio” and more secrets from the Pokémon Sun and Moon demo — see the time-based events that activate on the days you play.
This is one change alongside a base power decrease in Tackle.
A Pokémon Bank update coming on January 2017 will add support for Pokémon Sun and Moon as well as its own handy Pokédex.
Alola’s Rite of Passage is going through the “Island Challenge” and defeating “Kahunas”. It’s not the Pokémon League Challenge…
“Z-Moves” are Pokémon Sun and Moon’s new battle mechanic.