Moltres with Sky Attack Raids Global Reward in GO
Get your Star Pieces ready too and make the most of extra Stardust events!
Get your Star Pieces ready too and make the most of extra Stardust events!
You can begin the quests for Celebi right now!
In case you didn’t know, it’s a Rock-type Pokémon.
The dates for the next three Community Days, including Chikorita’s, have been announced.
But first, improvements are to come to the Friend system.
Shiny Eevee is definitely going to be pretty popular – it has several evolution possibilities! Meanwhile, Lugia is back once more.
Meanwhile, Squirtle with sunglasses has been teased… Squirtle Squad incoming? Put the shades aside too, for Niantic’s occlusion tech demo featuring Pikachu and Eevee.
It appears Smack Down has already been confirmed as the special move!
Shiny Meditite and Makuhita has been added to the game as part of this two week long event!
A new update reveals a new attack on the way as well, alongside potential for performance improvements.