Pokémon Presents announces Snap sequel, Mega Evolutions in GO
Although it was mostly news on mobile games, we did receive some particularly exciting announcements as well. What do you think?
Although it was mostly news on mobile games, we did receive some particularly exciting announcements as well. What do you think?
The games have simplifications, and yet introduce mechanics not seen in the original Kanto games at the same time. Can Game Freak have their cake and eat it too?
Mega Evolutions are back in, and Lt. Surge has also been featured. However, nothing is known about new Mega Evolutions yet.
The next Global Link competition has been announced!
You can finally get the Mega evolutions for Latias, Latios, Ampharos and Altaria!
Mega Stones for Aggron, Tyranitar, Abomasnow and Manectric are available through a serial code.
It seems you can get Mega Stones without participating in online competitions! However, you may still want to sign up for the February competition – registration starts soon.
You’ll be able to get your hands on Mawile and Beedrill’s Mega Stones in generation 7 by participating in an upcoming online competition!
A heads up to avoid parts of the Internet if you want to to keep things secret. We summarise known stats and move information and source these leaks.
Introducing Mega Arcanine, the PokéCommunity’s latest Make-a-Mega concept!