PokéCommunity Daily News Roundup: Week of 3/13/2017
Some Japanese stuff and everything else you need to know in Pokémon this week.
Some Japanese stuff and everything else you need to know in Pokémon this week.
Episode 14 is now out! Lillie’s egg starting to glow…
A review of the Sun and Moon TCG set, in which Grass is the best type, GXes are overpowered, and ddrox13 has controversial opinions about certain characters.
Episode 5 of the Pokémon Sun & Moon anime has aired, featuring Popplio, Team Rocket and more!
A new trailer for the Sun & Moon anime series released today!
Z25 discusses the potential of the Sun and Moon anime season.
Datamining has begun on the newly released Pokémon Sun and Moon Special Demo. We summarise what others have found out about the games – warning, spoilers within!
A few tidbits about the upcoming Pokémon games were revealed in several preview reviews of the games!
Ash learns how to do Z-Moves and meets Tapu Koko. There’s also a livestream of the games on the 23rd on NicoNico to look forward to.
Lillie’s mystery seems to have deepened – what is her connection with UB-01, Lusamine and Gladion?