PGL Closing: Fennel’s Munna Thanks You
As Global Link closes, Fennel sends her Munna as a parting gift
As Global Link closes, Fennel sends her Munna as a parting gift
Participating in the upcoming 2018 International Challenge November is the only way for players to obtain an alternate-colored Tapu Lele.
Win as many times as possible at the Battle Agency for 2,000–4,000 Festival Coins.
The first Global Mission for the upcoming Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon has been announced! This one will involve Pokémon captures!
With the GTS global mission coming to a close, read below for info on what prizes you’ve won and how to get them!
You’ll be able to get your hands on Mawile and Beedrill’s Mega Stones in generation 7 by participating in an upcoming online competition!
They promise more bans will follow for other cheaters. Read the full translation here.
The Pokémon Global Link will be going down and permanently removing support for the 6th Generation at 23:59 GMT on October 31st.
Game Sync and Random Matchup Rating Battles will go as the system is prepared for Pokémon Sun and Moon.