Alola Form Rattata revealed for Sun and Moon
We also get a Munchlax event with a special Z-Move and a special Sun and Moon themed 2DS. Check here for trailers and a recap!
We also get a Munchlax event with a special Z-Move and a special Sun and Moon themed 2DS. Check here for trailers and a recap!
You have until the 24th of September to download this Legendary.
The new Pokémon, Team Skull and Alola Forms get covered in these series of videos!
Machamp is a powerful character in Pokkén Tournament. This guide will teach you how to be just as strong!
Being swamped by news reveals, what does the PokéCommunity expect next from Alola? colours gathers some thoughts from around the community on what they think The Pokémon Company would reveal next!
We find out about the all-powerful Gold Bottle Cap as well! Max IVs await if you have one.
We explain the details of the Pokémon Appraisal feature, and also examine what we learn of the Team Leaders!
You’ll be able to check how good your Pokémon are at attacking and defending! Update may come worldwide shortly.
A 2-0 victory gives Wolfe the title of Worlds Champion. Check out who else won in TCG and the other VGC divisions and the replay!
In the first instalment of his Competitive Battling Tips series, Anti gives readers tips on how to improve their general approach to team building in the competitive game.