Major discoveries revealed from Pokémon Gold and Silver demo
Sprites galore including alternate versions of Pokémon, and changed Trainers, have been released today.
Sprites galore including alternate versions of Pokémon, and changed Trainers, have been released today.
The game is pretty, but how does the gameplay stack for the series’ first outing on the Nintendo Switch?
The full game releases September 22nd. Meanwhile, Tonosama was crowned the champion at Worlds for Pokkén Tournament.
It runs tomorrow at a specific time, so those who are undecided have a chance to try out the latest main series Pokémon games before making their decision.
Datamining has begun on the newly released Pokémon Sun and Moon Special Demo. We summarise what others have found out about the games – warning, spoilers within!
Two more staples of the series seem to be gone! The Move Deleter has made Pokemon forget HMs permanently, and Tauros probably ran over your bike too.
The Pokémon Sun and Moon Special Demo releases worldwide today. Check here for what is in the demo! There’s even a special Alolan Form to find if you’re lucky…
Get ready and make space for Ash-Greninja — the Sun/Moon Special Demo Version is 3100 blocks big.
A large batch of news today from the trailers today! We also learn about Festival Plaza, Pokémon Pelago and Global Link information.
Try out the Pokkén Tournament demo today via the eShop!