May 6, 2019, 10:40 AM

Ranking The Pokémon Core Series Regions
From the villains it hosts to the lore of the region, each main series location is examined and ranked!
From the villains it hosts to the lore of the region, each main series location is examined and ranked!
The Pokémon Sun and Moon anime has had a lot happen. Catch up on the big events that have occurred recently in the series!
Episode 46 in the Pokémon anime shows Ash and the gang being shown around the Aether Foundation!
A lot of shots of the regions, cut-scenes, Fishing confirmed, and a bunch of characters glimpsed, including one who looks a bit like Professor Oak… Watch the trailer and see what we learn from it!
Lillie’s mystery seems to have deepened – what is her connection with UB-01, Lusamine and Gladion?
We learn about the Aether Foundation as well, along with various plot points. Watch the new trailers and ‘Train On #2’ inside!