Meet the Alola Trial Captains!
Introducing Lana, Mallow, Sophocles and Kiawe!
For your latest Pokémon news from across the globe.
Introducing Lana, Mallow, Sophocles and Kiawe!
Indian petition seeks to ban Pokémon GO for allegated religious insensitivity.
Pokémon Trainers have a new way to GO, exclusive to Apple Watch.
The new photography mini-game in Pokémon Sun and Moon looks like it could be a lot of fun. Check out our summary and video of Poké Finder!
We learn about the Aether Foundation as well, along with various plot points. Watch the new trailers and ‘Train On #2’ inside!
Game Sync and Random Matchup Rating Battles will go as the system is prepared for Pokémon Sun and Moon.
The soundtrack will be released on iTunes in November.
Official confirmation from Niantic about an incoming Buddy System has been given.
Within a week later we’ll get more news, as announced by the Japanese Pokémon Twitter account.
We also get a Munchlax event with a special Z-Move and a special Sun and Moon themed 2DS. Check here for trailers and a recap!