Hidden Ability Oranguru and Passimian released over Pokémon Bank
This is the first time that they have been made available.
This is the first time that they have been made available.
Shiny Swinub is on the way! On a similar note, Mamoswine is also on the way!
Let’s hope you didn’t open your Mystery Box just before the event started however – else you have to wait for your chance!
Hoenn confirmed! …again. Generation III is getting the spotlight this time around, what with Hoenn-based events and Feebas getting more prominent.
This competition only allows single-type Pokémon to be used. Z-Moves are allowed, but Mega Stones are not.
Lugia and Ho-Oh soar in as Research Breakthrough rewards? Could the Regis be next in line?
A new forme of Deoxys has transformed EX Raid Battles…and it doesn’t seem to want to back down from attacks! Can you take it down?
Renowned for being annoying to face in competitive battles, Cresselia lights her way into Raid Battles in Pokémon GO!
Sinnoh confirmed! …Well, for GO. Furthermore, migration, weather effects and battle mechanics are set to change!
However, it is not known what it entails.