Pokémon Anime Daily: Sun and Moon Episode 34 Summary/Review
Marowak takes a legendary crown, interrupting a festival. Find out what happens next with the PokéCommunity Daily!
Marowak takes a legendary crown, interrupting a festival. Find out what happens next with the PokéCommunity Daily!
Two more cards join Lysandre’s Trump Card in the metaphorical time-out corner, and Shiftry has been freed at last.
A new Pokémon game has splashed onto Italian Smartphones! [Update: now in Australia, Canada, following Japan and other countries in Asia as well!]
ddrox13 tests out a super weird rogue deck, because the Internet needed more Eelektrik variants and Vikavolt is cute.
A review of SM Guardians Rising, in which everything gets a reprint, Tapu Lele GX is the new Shaymin EX, and an old friend returns from the dead to haunt TCG veterans.
Miltank is one of the most powerful Pokémon out there? Don’t believe us? Check out the article and then fire up Pokémon Gold and Silver for good measure.
Join in the fun of the PokéCommunity League’s third season!
New Battle Spot Special Battle rules and everything else you need to know in Pokémon this week
Some Japanese stuff and everything else you need to know in Pokémon this week.
A Mega Stone distribution, another Mega Stone distribution, a Global Mission, and everything else you need to know in Pokémon this week.