Nickname that Eevee!
Submit your nicknames for Eevee, and we’ll rate them in a follow-up article!
Submit your nicknames for Eevee, and we’ll rate them in a follow-up article!
We look at what we could possibly expect from next month’s issue of CoroCoro regarding Pokémon Sun and Moon information.
Players of the Pokémon Go Field Test in Japan are trying out the feature now.
Two not-yet-obtainable Pokémon are featuring.
A few glitches are removed including an unstoppable combination, and a nerf is given to Reshiram’s support.
But as for Pokémon Sun and Moon… news is much less substantial.
The folks down under can register interest in trying out a beta version of Pokémon Go now!
Enter a serial code for Hoopa before the month ends, and sign up to the official Pokémon Newsletter for the Legendary birds!
Nothing new today about Pokémon Sun and Moon – besides it having more than 10 Pokémon.
Jirachi only has time for you until the 24th of April.