Some extra cool new bits from Sun/Moon’s July 1 update
July 1 brings us some extra juicy bits from Sun and Moon that we didn’t see from Japan.
July 1 brings us some extra juicy bits from Sun and Moon that we didn’t see from Japan.
(Update: Ended. Nothing of interest was revealed.) “Pokémon Special” starts at 7 AM Pacific, and Daily will be liveblogging each detail as it comes! Check out the live stream here!
Japan-only so far, but they’re getting some pretty sweet New 3DS XLs — a Pikachu model and a Solgaleo- and Lunala-themed one.
Two of Zygarde’s Formes first revealed in TV series have finally been shown in core series Pokémon games.
Learn some new information about some key inhabitants of Alola.
Videos posted straight to The Pokémon Company’s Japanese YouTube account are part of June 2’s Sun and Moon announcements.
Amazon snafu or truth? Alola outed as “tropical islands” in product description.
A first look at the Alola region, the setting of upcoming Pokémon games Sun and Moon.
Ticket pre-sales for 2016’s Pokémon movie come with a bonus Volcanion via Mystery Gift.
We’re hiring volunteers to run columns for Daily! Applications close March 31.