CoroCoro Provides Extra Details for Rockruff Distribution (Update: Lycanroc Dusk)
Some details for the future Rockruff distribution have been revealed thanks to CoroCoro!
Some details for the future Rockruff distribution have been revealed thanks to CoroCoro!
CoroCoro is here, and with it new information regarding Lycanroc Dusk Form!
We have a new Lycanroc Dusk Form! It’ll show up in the anime as well.
The Pokénchi show airs later today in Japan and will feature news on Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon!
The official Pokémon Ultra Sun and Moon Guide has been made available for preorder, and may reveal some new information for the games.
Listen in on our discussion of our hopes for Pokémon Ultra Sun and Moon and our thoughts on some of the most popular theories!
Learn about Necrozma and see how it fits in with the new forms for Solgaleo and Lunala! What can we expect from Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon?
Today’s Pokémon Direct has revealed new versions of Sun and Moon.