Pokémon GO stat changes to be implemented soon
Let’s see if they get it right this time!
Let’s see if they get it right this time!
The event is to celebrate the release of Pokémon Let’s Go, Pikachu and Eevee.
More of the generation four evolutions for older Pokémon may come soon too, with a ‘Sinnoh Stone’ item.
Their Shiny colours parallel the colours of factions within Niantic’s first game title.
Gengar is a Raid Boss for three hours across the world!
It’ll track distance for Eggs and Buddy Candy while you’re not playing!
Bonuses this time will include double catch XP and Stardust!
It comes with an exclusive move and a whole lot more power! But you’ll need 400 Meltan Candy to evolve it…
The newest Shiny will be Drifloon, and other new Pokémon including Giratina will arrive!
The Sinnoh Starters and more common Pokémon have been added! Shinx can be found as a Shiny too.