
Updated: Shiny Ponyta, Cubone added to celebrate Ingress Prime

Their Shiny colours parallel the colours of factions within Niantic’s first game title.

Update: Event is now live for all users.

Two new Shiny species are to be added to Pokémon GO – Ponyta and Cubone! The event is to celebrate the release of a new update, Ingress Prime, to Go’s mother series. Cubone has a green Shiny form while Ponyta is blue; these colours parallel the colours of the Enlightened and Resistance factions in Ingress.

Pokémon GO will feature a celebratory in-game event where shiny green Cubone and blue Ponyta will be available for capture.

Additionally, players will be gifted free in-game avatar items in support of Ingress Prime.

Details are currently scarce; we’ll update as more announcements are made. Which Shiny are you more excited about?

Edited by LinearAxel and Meganium