[Updated] Bagon confirmed for next Pokémon GO Community Day
Bagon and triple Catch XP coming on April 13th!
Bagon and triple Catch XP coming on April 13th!
You’ll be guaranteed a Lucky Pokémon from your next trade… but you can only achieve this with Best Friends. Shiny Latios is to appear shortly too.
Nincada is back as well – provided you find the Field Research task that rewards it!
Shove off, Smeargle, because the mascot wants to get some of the limelight too. But you do have a chance for a Shiny Hatchu!
Lotad, Castform and many more weather-based Pokémon to be expected in this upcoming Research task!
Giratina comes back to Pokémon GO for Round 2, bringing both of its Formes this time!
Event announcements could still be better for a lot of these as well.
It will not be Shiny during this weekend Raid event.
Pokémon GO celebrates Pokémon Day with a trip back to Kanto!
Smeargle bounces into Pokémon GO! Make sure to keep an eye out when taking photos!