November 1, 2018, 10:05 AM

Wake up to waffles with a Pokémon Poké Ball Waffle Maker!
Check out ThinkGeek’s newest licensed Pokémon product: a waffle maker!
Check out ThinkGeek’s newest licensed Pokémon product: a waffle maker!
We’ve potentially lost Poké Floats as a stage however – it’s yet to be sighted.
We summarise all we know about Pokémon in the newest entry in Super Smash Bros.!
Make this the 2DS you play Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon on, because – long name aside – this New Nintendo 2DS XL Is pretty great. Check out our video preview and see if you’re convinced.
Brock would have found these Poké Balls very handy to store his Poké Food in.
Datamining has begun on the newly released Pokémon Sun and Moon Special Demo. We summarise what others have found out about the games – warning, spoilers within!