Old school style Pokémon cartoon released
A very unique animation was just published!
A very unique animation was just published!
We’ve potentially lost Poké Floats as a stage however – it’s yet to be sighted.
Two new fighters and four support Pokémon will be released over the next few months.
Mimikyu and Pikachu have a different kind of battle in this new video. Check it out here!
Mimikyu just wants a cuddle. More screenshots of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon have been released too.
New merchandise has revealed a new Z-Move for Pokémon Ultra Sun and Moon! Read about it here!
The latest episode of the Pokémon anime has aired. Team Rocket achieve a personal best. Come read the recap here!
It really wants friends.
We get English names and new Pokémon, complete with a trailer video. We also get ‘Hyper Training’, the first way to IV train!