Detective Pikachu gets a graphic novel adaptation
What other movie-themed merchandise can we expect to see?
What other movie-themed merchandise can we expect to see?
Check out ThinkGeek’s newest licensed Pokémon product: a waffle maker!
Make this the 2DS you play Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon on, because – long name aside – this New Nintendo 2DS XL Is pretty great. Check out our video preview and see if you’re convinced.
The folks at ThinkGeek have an exclusive product for you — a Pikachu Coin Bank!
Let the cuteness ensue! New merchandise themed around Lillie, Gladion, and Lusamine has been announced for an upcoming release at Pokémon Centers in Japan.
Brock would have found these Poké Balls very handy to store his Poké Food in.
The 20th anniversary celebrations keep on coming: merchandise based off the sprite work from Red, Green, Blue and Yellow are being sold in Japan!