November 1, 2019, 4:43 PM

[Confirmed] Starter evolutions and new Pokémon leaked
New Pokémon have been leaked, including Starter evolutions. Spoilers within.
New Pokémon have been leaked, including Starter evolutions. Spoilers within.
Two new Gigantamax Pokémon have been announced, and we have some details on the ones revealed earlier!
Four new Gigantamaxed Pokémon are revealed!
The S.S. Anne sure looks fancy now! But the dreaded rubbish bins have also come back…
The latest episode of the Pokémon anime has aired. Team Rocket achieve a personal best. Come read the recap here!
A new Pokémon Sun and Moon anime trailer is up! Are you excited?
Scans of the CoroCoro magazine have revealed new Pokémon and forms. We also get to see a peek of the antagonistic team of the region.
Become filthy rich without the need to win Pokemon Battles! This clever trainer rakes it in!