Seviper and Zangoose swap regions in Pokémon GO
The two Pokémon were previously only found in separate parts of the world, but now appeared to have swapped.
The two Pokémon were previously only found in separate parts of the world, but now appeared to have swapped.
We’re updating as people list the new generation three hatches – check the list!
You can have more interaction with catching Pokémon – but only if you have iOS 11 for the time being.
Most generation three Water types and a few Ice types have models added, alongside Delibird.
Pokémon GO’s latest wave of EX Raids falls on Christmas, and for one set of players in a closed mall to boot.
It’s the first Legendary of generation three to be obtainable! Players have a month.
Minun, Plusle, Zangoose and Seviper are split into two halves of the globe.
Both Absol and Mawile are new Raid Bosses in the game as well.
We’ve updated the list for all the new Pokémon seen in Pokémon GO! We also discuss the ones you’ll want to use Pinap berries on.
The maximum storage is increased to 1,500, and everyone gets a free upgrade by 50 spaces! The developers discuss the weather and Battle Party features as well.