Marshadow discovered!
Make way for Marshadow! The Pokémon Company reveals the event-exclusive legendary hitting Sun and Moon soon!
Make way for Marshadow! The Pokémon Company reveals the event-exclusive legendary hitting Sun and Moon soon!
This isn’t a hoax – there’s a silly April Fool’s Slowpoke available in Pokémon Sun and Moon!
Niantic announces a special Water Pokémon event — Magikarp, Squirtle, Totodile and more spawning as part of the “Water Festival”.
The Pokémon Company grants trainers a second chance to obtain the mythical Paleozoic Pokémon, Genesect!
The last of the monthly events! Grab Meloetta before December the 24th – but remember, generation 6 games only.
You have until the 24th of November to grab the download code for Genesect from stores.
Having Volcanion in your party will unlock some extra secret dialogue in X/Y and Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire.
It’s already available via Serial Code in Europe, and from the 10th in America, Australia and Canada.
You’ve only got until the 9th to download it via serial code!