March 19, 2020, 6:38 PM

Pokémon Masters Upcoming Updates Opinions
There is a lot to look forward to in Masters. Let’s take a look at the latest message from the developers!
There is a lot to look forward to in Masters. Let’s take a look at the latest message from the developers!
It features Shiny Delibird, new generation four Pokémon, and free Incubators! Meanwhile, Lugia and Ho-Oh appear in Raids this weekend.
Festive Pikachu, one-time egg incubators from PokéStops and new Pokémon, oh my!
Most generation three Water types and a few Ice types have models added, alongside Delibird.
A review of SM Guardians Rising, in which everything gets a reprint, Tapu Lele GX is the new Shaymin EX, and an old friend returns from the dead to haunt TCG veterans.
Some lucky players got to show off part of the Sun and Moon games on an official stream. A Battle Royal match was also had.