Make-a-Mega: Weezing
The next edition of the Make-a-Mega series tackles a levitating lump of gas – Weezing gets a Mega revamp by the PokéCommunity!
Fun things happening around PokéCommunity.
The next edition of the Make-a-Mega series tackles a levitating lump of gas – Weezing gets a Mega revamp by the PokéCommunity!
The fourteenth Get-Together is here! Come join us for an excitement-filled two weeks celebrating twenty years of Pokémon.
The third edition of the Make-a-Mega series is here at last. Take a look at the PokéCommunity’s new Mega Lapras!
Check out a series of fanworks featuring Eevee by an array of PokéCommunity members!
We’ve created an awesome Mega Evolution for Luxray. Check it out!
Join us and discover the current situation of PokéCommunity’s biggest competitive battling event. the PokéCommunity League!
We’ve made up a mega evolution of our own for Roserade – image, stats and all!
Learn the basic facts and trivia from Professor Oak about the cute Normal-type Pokémon with a small mutation problem.
Hack of the Month returns! Read about and then vote on your favorite hacks!
If you’re interested in murdering friends, betraying trust, and getting angry… then we have the forum for you!