[Updated] Pokkén Tournament Reveals Empoleon as a New Character
A new fighter for Pokkén Tournament has been revealed, read about it here!
A new fighter for Pokkén Tournament has been revealed, read about it here!
The first Global Mission for Sun and Moon is live! This one is all about catching Pokémon. Learn about it here!
The now updated Nearby feature, which replaces the much-missed Tracking system, is now available for some players outside of San Francisco.
Pokémon GO has had some changes added, read about them here.
December 5th is the day. You can already pick up a special Munchlax via Mystery Gift today! Be sure to get all the gifts available.
Read about a fan game that brings you back to Kanto in a new way!
Pokémon Go datamining has revealed a big new feature coming soon.
Z25 discusses the potential of the Sun and Moon anime season.
Two more episodes of Pokémon Generations have been released.
A presentation for the Nintendo Switch has been announced!