February 19, 2025, 5:18 PM

Make-a-Mega: Dewgong
As we await the new game set within the biggest city of Kalos, we brainstorm some new Mega designs for Dewgong!
As we await the new game set within the biggest city of Kalos, we brainstorm some new Mega designs for Dewgong!
It’s a bee! It’s a snake! It’s a caterpillar! No, it’s Dunsparce!
A review of the Pokémon ROM hack, Zelda: Sacred Paradox, set in Hyrule!
The PokéCommunity gives Shroomish and Breloom a set of Galarian forms and evolutions.
January’s battle competition has been revealed!
Pokémon GO Developers announce upcoming Raid Battle changes!
A new 3DS theme featuring Necrozma is announced!
You can obtain a Kanto Cap Pikachu with a new code!
The first Global Mission for the upcoming Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon has been announced! This one will involve Pokémon captures!
A new Pikachu app is announced for Google Home & Amazon Echo devices!