Alolan Exeggutor gets a new Dragon Move
That’s no Wood Hammer – it’s a Dragon Hammer!
That’s no Wood Hammer – it’s a Dragon Hammer!
Find out the basics of Pokémon GO, including how to quickly get to level 5 and get into the Teams and Gym battles!
More Pokémon GO Plus support is added – and speaking of which, it turns out it can do more than previously advertised!
Episodes “The Adventure” focuses on Pikachu exploring the Pokémon world, while “The Chase” involves Looker chasing Giovanni!
Ash gets to go to school after all these years. And ride a Sharpedo!
We learn more about both forms of UB-02. More news coming on the 20th September.
The update is starting to come in across the world. But players with rooted or jailbroken phones may want to reconsider updating…
Nothing special about this batch of Kanto Pokémon! Check the scans here.
A lot of shots of the regions, cut-scenes, Fishing confirmed, and a bunch of characters glimpsed, including one who looks a bit like Professor Oak… Watch the trailer and see what we learn from it!
Collaborate with writers and artists to create a series of fan works! Sign-ups end October 16th – see inside for more details!