Further Mega Stone distribution news announced
It seems you can get Mega Stones without participating in online competitions! However, you may still want to sign up for the February competition – registration starts soon.
It seems you can get Mega Stones without participating in online competitions! However, you may still want to sign up for the February competition – registration starts soon.
Will we see updates to the Wii U version before Worlds begins?
What Pokémon you can find in the 2, 5 and 10 kilometre Eggs have changed! Find out what you can expect now.
Check out footage of ARMS for the Nintendo Switch, and read what bobandbill’s first impressions of the new console were!
And not just any wrestler – one who has twenty gold medals in major competitions!
We celebrate the first birthday of PokéCommunity Daily. Check out the articles we’ve put out in our first year!
That’s more than what Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire sold to date.
You can host competitions in Pokémon Sun and Moon, and try out rental teams in battle!
The third of the Pokémon Sun and Moon Global Missions has begun. Festival Coins and a Friend Ball can be won!
Our YouTube channel features some fun battles with sets made by you, the PokéCommunity!